Longing for #vintagegayporn

Vintage gay porn poolside group sex with three butch, extremely muscular bodybuilders.
Daisy chain of three hairy muscle men sucking dick by the pool.

Vault Classics, Scene 09
Featuring Dakota, Chris Dickerson and John Tristram

I was pawing through the gay magazines at an adult bookstore yesterday and realized there wasn’t anything that compared to the glossy mags of yore.

In the age of the Interwebs, there’s something special about flipping through a dirty magazine and beating off to the butch, hairy musclemen (with no steroid bloat) gettin’ it on like they mean it.

Maybe I can find some on eBay with the pages still stuck together…

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Sweat, cum and bearded men

Hairy, bearded Daddies in classic striped athletic socks and white briefs fucking on a leather couch.
Bearded man cumming on another guy's furry asshole.

Featuring Rich Kelly and Dolan Wolf

Too much smoking, drinking, dancing and various other fumes, pills and powders have conspired to give me one helluva hangover this morning.

And yet I’m still happily in another city with a jumble of sexy memories and a rogue athletic sock left in my hotel room that’s been impregnated with all the smells of last night… and of one man in particular…

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